Alamo Area Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development
Minutes for
October 8, 2015
The meeting was held in the Fiesta Room at Trinity University.
Melodye Pieniazek, AAASCD Chaplain, provided an inspirational message for the membership prior to the luncheon. Following the message, Dana Bashara, AAASCD President, welcomed the group and introduced our Region XX Partners and superintendents who were present at the meeting.
Arlene Williams, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s report with a current balance of $3,240.67. Terri Chidgey, Secretary, submitted the minutes of the April meeting. The minutes and Treasurer’s report were approved as submitted by the membership.
Lorainne DeLeon, Executive Director for Curriculum and Instruction from South San ISD, was nominated as a 15-16 Junior Director.
Dana Bashara introduced the program speaker, Alicia Thomas, consultant with Moak Casey & Associates. She presented on “The Impacts of the 84th Legislative Session”.
Dana Bashara adjourned the meeting at 1:07 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Terri Chidgey
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